News 2021
Coffee Mornings - 3rd October 2021
Now the season has ended coffee mornings are returning. The first one will be on 30th October at 11am at a venue to be confirmed. Look out for a mail from Vicki with more details.
Lawns Closed - 2nd October 2021
The lawns are now closed and the ground staff are preparing the lawns for next year.
Speed Doubles and End of Season Trophy Presentation - 25th September 2021
A great day was had by all, photos below. See here, for more details of the speed doubles.

Stephen Retains the Kitson Cup 14th September 2021
The last of the club competitions has been decided with Stephen retaining the Kitson cup with a perfect record (see here) - many congratulations. All three competitions were won by the same person who won them last year, and the winners will be presented with their trophies at the Speed Doubles on 25th Sept. I'd encourage everyone to enter the competitions next year to try and end Stuart and Stephen's run!
Stuart Retains the Verulam Cup 10th September 2021
The second of the club competitions has been completed with Stuart retaining the Verulram cup with a perfect record (see here) - many congratulations. There are two matches left in the Kitson cup.
Speed Doubles and End of Season Trophy Presentation
We going to combine the End of Season event with the second Speed Doubles. This will be held on Saturday 25th September. The format is 'progressive doubles', in which a higher-handicap player partners a lower-handicap player in each game, playing several games and changing partner from game to game. Each pair has 25 min to complete all their shots, after which they get one hit per turn until the other pair has used up their time. The result is a dynamic game where quick decisions are rewarded.
The plan is for the day to run as follows:
9am - Set up lawns and marquee
10am - Competition starts - 2 morning matches seperated by Coffee
12:30pm Lunch (bring your own) and club trophy presentation
1pm - 3 match is speed doubles
2:15pm - Results of speed doubles
If you want to play please respond to Roger's mail, or feel free to come along an spectate at any time (coming along at lunch just for the presentation of trophies is definately an option!)
Stuart Retains the Mahoney Shield 30th August 2021
The first of the club competitions has been completed with Stuart retaining the Mahony Shield with a perfect record (see here) - many congratulations. There are three matches left in the Kitson and Verulam competitions.
Good to see so many people on the lawns in National Croquet Week

National Croquet Week in aid of British Heart Foundation
The Croquet Association has teamed up with the British Heart Foundation as part of National Croquet Week. Clubs up and down the country will be holding events to raise funds for the BHF in the week which runs from 24th July to 1st August ( see here ). St Albans will be holding two 'turn up and play' sessions on Thursday 29th July at 6:30-8pm and Saturday 31st July 10am-noon. If you want to try out croquet or just find out more just turn up during those times at the lawn on Clarence Park - it would be great if you could make a donation to the BHF at the same time. We'll also be providing cake, and if you're on facebook you can let us know you're coming by clicking on the dates above and clicking on 'going'. If you have any questions then contact us via facebook DM or via the details on the contact page. Club members it would be great if you could come along to help on either of the sessions.
The Speed Doubles competition will be held on the 26th June
The competition will run from 9:30-2pm on the 26th. The format is 14-point 'progressive doubles' on a half-lawn, in which a higher-handicap player partners a lower-handicap player in each game, playing several games and changing partner from game to game. Each pair has 25 min to complete all their shots, after which they get one hit per turn until the other pair has used up their time. The result is a dynamic game where quick decisions are rewarded. Its also great fun! See the mail from Roger for details, and sign-up before the 23rd June.
Club sessions return to roll-up from 17th May 2021
As Covid regulations ease, all of the club sessions are once again roll-up, and you no longer need to book a place on-line for these sessions. Please try to be there ready for a prompt start so as not to have to re-arrange games as people arrive!
These sessions are :
Mondays 6.30 p.m. full lawn AC
Tuesdays 6.30 p.m. full lawn AC
Thursdays 2.00 p.m. GC half lawns
Saturdays 10.00 a.m. half lawns AC
Golf Croquet growing - 6th May 2021
St Albans has traditionally played more Association Croquet than Golf Croquet, but that's starting to change. We now hold a regular club session for Golf Croquet on a Thursday afternoon, and have been holding an introductory course focusing on golf croquet as well.

Welcome to our new members - 13th May 2021
Welcome to the 13 new members to the Club who took part in the Introductory Courses (AC and GC). We hope you will enjoy your croquet and quickly get to meet and know the other club members. The Thursday 6.30 p.m. session will continue at least for the next 4 weeks as a coached half lawn games session for the Introductory Course participants, but if any other members feel you would benefit from more help with your game, you are welcome to come along. If you're not a member and want to come along please contact Heather (details on Contacts page)
Charity-one ball - 1st May 2021
We raised some money for the British Heart Foundation. See the report here.
We won the Longman Cup Final! - 25th April 2021
We won the (very delayed) final of the 2020 Longman Cup. Well done to the team and see the report here.
Interclub Tournaments - 22nd April 2021
The draws for the Herts & Beds League, Secretary's Shield and Longman Cup have all been made. You can see the info on the Inter-club matches page here.
Club Sessions are up and running - 17th April 2021
We're up and running on Monday, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The picture below is from this morning's session.

Secretary's Shield - 8th April 2021
The Secretary's Shield is a national competition for the winners of the regional croquet leagues. St Albans played in it in 2019, and 2020 as we won the East Anglian Chairman's Cup in 2018 and 2020. We won the competition in 2019 and were runners up in 2020. The East Anglian Leagues and Chairman's Cup didn't take place in 2020 because of Covid, so we've just heard we get to represent East Anglia again because we won in 2019.
The Lawn is open! - 29th March 2021
In line with guidance from the CA and the government we have opened the lawn today. Club members should have an e-mail with all the details, and if you're not a club member and want to play please contact any of the committee on the Contacts page.

More details for 2021 - 22nd March 2021
We're planning to have the following club sessions this year, these are the same as we had planned last year (but couldn't have!):
Mondays 6.30 (full lawn)
Tuesdays 6.30 (full lawn)
Saturdays 10.00 – 1.00 (half lawns)
Thursdays 2.00 – 4.00 GC
If you're planning to attend a club session please follow the instructions as sent out by Heather. If you're not a member and want to come along then please contact one of the committee (see contacts page), we'd love to see you. Due to covid we need to keep a record and limit people to 6 on full lawn sessions or 4/lawn (i.e. 8) on half lawn sessions.
On inter-club tournaments we're going to enter the Beds/Herts League and the Longman Cup & also the EACF Club Champions tournament.
Club tournaments are staying the same as in previous years
26 point Full Lawn
18 point Full Lawn
14 point Half Lawn
Looking forward to the new season - 1st March 2021
We're hoping to set-up the lawn so we can start playing again on 29th March, in line with the Government's and the Croquet Association's guidance (here & here). In line with that guidance we should be able to play with up to 6 people on the lawn at any one time. We're hoping to start club sessions in line with that guidance asap, if you're a club member then look out for a mail from Heather with details, and if you're not a club member and want to come along then contact anyone on the contacts page and we'll figure out a way for you to play.
The club competitions will continue as in previous years. See the club tournaments page for details of the tournaments. We're looking to enter the EACF Club Champion's Day this year as well, so the winner of the 26 point competition will get to play in that!
We're looking to enter the Herts & Beds League and Longman Cup (as well as play the final of last year's Longman Cup which has been postponed due to co-vid).
We're also looking to participate in the National Croquet Week and Charity One-ball Championship, but are waiting further details on this.